We often discuss brushing and flossing regularly to keep our teeth healthy and clean, but that’s not all that needs attention when it comes to a beautiful smile, says the dentist in Greeley. Teeth whitening or bleaching is the process of using hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide to clean out the stains and spots visible on the patient’s teeth. When asked about what they might change to make their smile more beautiful, almost everyone answers ‘whiter teeth.’
How Can It Affect Your Teeth?
People should seriously consider the pros and cons of teeth bleaching before getting the treatment. The most apparent benefit is cosmetic; nothing lights up a smile like beautiful, clean, white teeth. Feeling beautiful and pretty boosts a person’s self-confidence and self-esteem. The other benefits are low risks involved, and the treatment isn’t expensive, depending on the method you choose. But this treatment has its drawbacks, the main one being mild irritation in your gums and teeth sensitivity. If the teeth are exposed to the bleaching agents for a prolonged time, the sensitivity can spike. Be informed that certain stains won’t be cleaned out by teeth bleaching.
Any Long-Term Implications?
Even though many of the cons of teeth whitening are short-term and usually go away with regular care, this treatment can damage the dental enamel, which is permanent and irreversible.
Best Teeth Whitening Alternatives
If you are being troubled by your teeth and want to make them as white and clean as possible without the possibility of permanently damaging them, then you should try one or all of the home remedies mentioned below:
- Add Flossing to your Brushing routine. A toothbrush can’t reach some places around the teeth, especially where teeth meet. Floss can easily slide between your teeth and give them the proper cleaning they need.
- Baking soda is a popular home remedy used globally to whiten teeth. It’s convenient, cheap, safe, and effective. Research has proven that baking soda can be used daily for brushing your teeth.
- Make a mouthwash out of apple cider vinegar and use it as you would use any other mouthwash. For best results, take two teaspoons of it and mix it with 6 ounces of water. Swish the solution for about 30 seconds in your mouth, rinse with water, and then brush your teeth.
Extra Thoughts
As all professionals always say, ‘Prevention is better and far more simple than restoration.’ People who want white teeth should keep them white and clean from the start. Regular brushing, flossing, and ensuring you don’t miss your dental appointment are the best ways to ensure a natural, beautiful smile. Also, it is a good idea to steer clear of foods and drinks like sodas, blueberries, red wine, tea, and coffee.