Thanksgiving is one of the most beautiful and precious times of the year. Not because we get to have delicious food, but because it brings families and friends together and shows us how good it feels to give than receive. Plus, it makes us realize all the blessings and things in our lives that we should give thanks for. And for us, it means to thank all of our regular patients who have trusted our capabilities and allowed us to ensure and maintain their dental health.
Our teams always work extra hard to provide you all with the oral care you deserve and deliver treatments to fulfill all your needs and requirements pleasantly and comfortably. Protecting all your beautiful smiles and making sure they remain pretty and confident is our duty. Most certainly, without your consistent support, Elite Dental Center won’t be here, helping hundreds and thousands of people smile beautifully!
Celebrating the National Brush Day
Did you know that November 1st is National Brush Day and was first recognized in 2013 to continue the Kids’ Healthy Mouths campaign in 2012 August? There is a reason why it was decided to celebrate this occasion right after Halloween. The primary aim was to allow the parents to understand how important it is to focus on dental health, especially after consuming sugary treats. This celebration will help them remember the importance of brushing in maintaining their children’s dental health.
National Brush Day acts as a reminder that eating candies and sweets are the leading cause of cavities and tooth decay in children. Whereas parents tend to be vigilant and guard their children against sugar all year long, most ease up the rules on Halloween and allow them to eat more than the healthy limits. It’s not just sweets and candies; other sugary treats that people cook to celebrate the Halloween spirit, such as pies, cakes, and pastries, fall in the same category and significantly damage the dental health of everyone.
Unfortunately, we have created a culture where sweet and sugary dishes are associated with happiness and celebration. And to counter the damage done to everyone’s oral health, National Brush Day is an excellent reminder for everybody to heal what has been wounded through regular brushing and flossing. Brushing isn’t a chore, it only takes two minutes and needs to be done two times a day, but it guarantees a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums, protecting against years of pain and suffering.
Brushing and flossing can be fun if you know the ways! Next time you go to the bathroom to brush your teeth, think of the music you love and brush your teeth in sync with the song’s rhythm. Remember, gums are fragile, so you shouldn’t brush aggressively; always be gentle when brushing your teeth. Everyone wants to clean the front side of their teeth and mouth because people can see it, but what about the backside? Just because it can’t be seen doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be cleaned! Two little minutes is all it takes to make your smile the most beautiful thing in the room. Families can also hang a brushing chart and make it a competition; the one who brushes their teeth the most consistently wins the prize!
Dental Health is Body Health
The founder of Disney, Walt Disney, is the one who said these beautiful words, ‘I am rarely sick because I brush my teeth.’ It has been proved by scientific research that brushing your teeth removes the harmful germs and bacteria in your mouth along with food debris. But only a few people realize that oral health also reinforces body health! One in every three adults will suffer from tooth loss, and those who have osteoporosis are also at risk of their jawbone becoming less dense.
It is fairly obvious that what we eat is what we become; a healthy diet that consists of all the minerals and vitamins our body needs goes a long way to improving and maintaining dental and body health. And once you are done eating all your healthy, delicious meals, don’t forget to brush and floss your teeth. Professionals advise everyone to visit their dentist once every six months because their teeth can receive the necessary cleaning and examination to ensure their health.
Celebrate & Share the Thanksgiving Spirit
Nothing brings a smile to our faces like our patients’ beautiful and healthy smiles. We love seeing our hard work and effort reflected in our patients’ dental health. Being able to bring positive changes in people’s lives and boost their sense of self-confidence and worth by helping them with their dental issues and giving them a beautiful smile. We just want you to know that Elite Dental Center is always here for you and your loved ones in Greeley, Colorado, to help with any dental issues, emergencies, and tooth extraction services. Happy Thanksgiving to you, your family, and all your friends on behalf of Elite Dental Center.